Alcatel Schematics Diagram and Service Manuals

6033X Idol Ultra (S850) schematic
6033X Idol Ultra (S850) schematic

A selection of repair documentation for mobile phones and smartphones, includes Alcatel diagrams, service instructions and manuals with a step-by-step algorithm for disassembling a mobile device, as well as simple tips for repairing Alcatel mobile phones and smartphones


Alcatel 6033X Idol Ultra (TCL S850)

6040D (TCL S950) Idol X schematic only

Alcatel 6043D Idol X+ (TCL 960) diagram

Alcatel OT-710, OT-806D diagram

Alcatel_AT01 L2 service engineer's manual

Alcatel OT-282 MTC282 L2, OT-890D, OT-900, OT-901, OT-902, OT-918, OT-930D, OT-985, OT-990, OT-992D, OT-995, OT-996 service instructions

OT-4005D, OT-4010, OT-4011_L2, OT-4015 X_A_D_N_L2, OT-4030 MTC970 L2,OT-4301, OT-5035 L2, OT-510a L2, OT-6030, OT-A10 L2 service manuals with complete disassembly

Alcatel OT-710, 806D - diagrams

Plus documentation from the manufacturer

Alcatel 6033X Idol Ultra (S850) schematic.rar Download

Alcatel 6040D Idol X (S950) schematic.rar Download

Alcatel 6043D idol X+(S960) schematic.rar Download

Alcatel AT01 L2 Service Manual.rar Download

Alcatel OT-282 MTC282 L2 Service Manual.rar Download

Alcatel OT-4005D L2 Service Manual.rar Download

Alcatel OT-4010 OT-4011 L2 Service Manual.rar Download

Alcatel OT-4015 X A D N L2 Service Manual.rar Download

Alcatel OT-4030 MTC970 L2 Service Manual.rar Download

Alcatel OT-5035 L2 Service Manual.rar Download

Alcatel OT-510a L2 Service Manual.rar Download

Alcatel OT-6030 L2 Service Manual.rar Download

Alcatel OT-710 schematic.rar Download

Alcatel OT-806D schematic.rar Download

Alcatel OT-890D Service Manual.rar Download

Alcatel OT-900 OT-901 L2 Service Manual.rar Download

Alcatel OT-902 L2 Service Manual.rar Download

Alcatel OT-918 L2 Service Manual.rar Download

Alcatel OT-930D L2 Service Manual.rar Download

Alcatel OT-985 L2 Service Manual.rar Download

Alcatel OT-990 L2 Service Manual.rar Download

Alcatel OT-992D L2 Service Manual.rar Download

Alcatel OT-995 OT-996 OT-4301 OT-A10 L2 Service Manual Download

Alcatel Schematic Diagrams.rar Download

Alcatel BE1-BE3 Schematic Diagrams.rar Download

Alcatel HD1 Schematic Diagrams.rar Download

Disassembly/Repair of Alcatel 1S 5024D

Step 1. Remove the Card Tray

⚠️ Before you start disassembling, don't forget to turn off your phone.


Using the Key or Paperclip tool, open the SIM card and Memory Card slot and remove it.


The hole for the SIM card and memory card trays is located on the upper left side of the phone.


ⓘ Remember the location of the SIM card and Memory Card so that you don’t confuse anything during reassembly.


⚠️ Pay attention! You need to insert the tool into a special hole on the edge of the phone case. Do not press too hard as this may damage the tray eject mechanism.

Step 2. Unscrew the screws

Using a screwdriver (precision star-shaped 0.8 mm, also known as Pentalobe), unscrew the 2 screws at the end of the phone that secure the back cover.

Step 3. Open the back cover

Using a spatula tool or a plastic pick, carefully, around the perimeter, disconnect the fastenings of the back cover and remove it. Try not to insert the tool too deeply or bend it, otherwise there may be signs of tampering or damage on the body.


⚠️ Be careful when opening the cover from the side volume and power buttons. The thin cable and fragile buttons are very easy to damage.


⚠️ Look in the picture in advance for the location of the cables: inter-board, sensor, display, buttons (if any) under the cover, so as not to damage them accidentally.


⚠️ Also pay attention to the fingerprint scanner cable glued to the back cover on the inside.

Step 4. Unscrew the screws

Using a screwdriver (Phillips 1.5 mm PH000), unscrew the 2 screws and remove the connector lock.


⚠️ Try to control and perform all actions carefully so as not to accidentally touch or short anything on the printed circuit board.

Step 5. Disconnect the fingerprint sensor Disconnect the connector and remove the fingerprint sensor.

Step 6. Unscrew the screws

Using a screwdriver (Phillips 1.5 mm PH000), unscrew the 2 screws.

Step 7. Open the cover Detach the fingerprint sensor frame.

Step 8. Disconnect the latch Disconnect the connector lock.

Step 9. Disconnect the battery connector

At the first opportunity, disconnect the battery connector.


ⓘ The Alcatel 1S (2019) 5024D model has a TLp030K7 battery with a capacity of 3000 mAh.


⚠️️ We strongly recommend that you disconnect the connector to avoid a possible short circuit during disassembly.


Also, try not to use a metal tool to disconnect the battery connector or do it very carefully.

Step 10. Unscrew the screws

Using a screwdriver (Phillips 1.5 mm PH000), unscrew the 3 screws.

Step 11. Open the lid

We disconnect the cover with the antennas and the cover hiding the printed circuit board. Try to lift the covers by the edges and not push anything between them, so as not to accidentally touch or short anything on the printed circuit board.

Step 12. Disconnect the connectors

Disconnect the connectors of the coaxial cable and the inter-board cable on the lower printed circuit board.


⚠️ Do not pull the cable/cable or pry it with something sharp; the connectors are very weak and break easily, or the cable/cable falls out of the crimping tip. Carefully, preferably from the edge, disconnect the connectors and remove the inter-board cable connecting the main board to the additional printed circuit board (also known as the sub-board).


⚠️ Be careful when removing the cables from the connectors, the cables are very thin and can be easily torn, or damage the contact tracks inside.

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